meeting talented musicians


夕方18時から、我らがP.S.が誇るアコースティックユニット、『Novelman』(ボブと拓人 Twitter@Novelman_n_t)の路上ライブを見てきました。
18時から19時半までボブも拓人もぶっ通しで演奏してくれていた。オリジナル、カヴァー、同じ曲を2回やったのもあったけど、それすら飽きないなぁ。飽きるわけがない! 同じ曲を1日2回聴いて飽きないって相当だよ。そこまでして聴きたい、聴いていて楽しいと思った友達って今までいなかったかも。


48歳で始めた「下積み」音楽活動日記−2期目2011.06.30 無音ストリート、「梵天勧請で音を出さなあかん」「これに賭けてもいい、と意を新たに」

After I part with Bob and Takuto at Sanjo-Ohashi Bridge, suddenly I found this Ossan!
He is Mr. Toshimori Akira a.k.a Mr.Anatori(Twitter@aratori), "ex-professional jazz pianist" and "present-rookie entertainer."
I've known about him, because maybe I've read about him on newspaper, I think. So I've known his SILENT "no-irritating" performance, and this may become very important for my music policy. However, for almost of pedestrians, he has been just a strange and crazy Ojisan!
Using wireless Headphones, his jazz-organ music can be listened by only who wants to listen to his music and not-listened by who doesn't want. This means playing the piano can avoid troubling other people and player cannot arrested by police because of making loud noise! :-)
I imagine why he had achieved this step and made up his mind to begin such a unique performance, but I cannnot get any answer.(´・ω・`)
Often Frontiers or Pioneers are crazy or regarded as crazy, and exception is hardly exists. But now street lives in Osaka are forbidden.
Generally saying, commons is administrated not by citizens and conscience but by police and laws!
However, commons can be used freely unless irritating the others there and complained by villagers there.
So I think Mr. Aratori's style may be spread and must be picked up more! more!