"Justice has been done."

I'll noting deliberately on poor English, about bin Laden. with just what I think, not I've known from Twitter and searched on Google.

On Twitter, I've seen the news that Osama bin Laden died in Pakistan, and soon heard an irony "Obama killed Osama."
President Obama immediately released a message and people in U.S. was excited by "Heroic CIA."

I think this operation is neither right nor wrong, but I understand their feelings.
For instance(although it's really a poor metaphor,) if "Enemy Nation X"(some may say that's Soviet, DPR, or other countries regarded as an enemy of Japan, but I'll say nothing. ) attack Japan, kill us and in return JIEITAI shoot a missile to "X," what will we think about this war and military success?
So I cannot criticize "mad" American people, especially whose family were killed by Al-Qaeda.(Is really reliable that bin Laden is concerned with 911? At least here, I regard everything as real.)

Obama said and citizens also did ; several times I heard a phrase "Justice has been done."
The logic "For American, killing terrorists CALLED MUSLIM is THE Justice" is too simple and dangerous.
What's justice....? Forever the Final Answer will never appear.
Maybe it is also justice that a person counterattack the enemies who killed or injured his family/friends.
Even if I'm a Christian, and because will not able to follow Christ's words perfectly, I will not forgive them without words.

"Where have all the flowers gone?" one of the most famous anti-war songs....